Monday, February 28, 2011

Cosmo Bag

Here are some pictures I snapped of the Cosmo Bag I made for my girlfriend in the Amy Butler Sew Along.

It's the first thing I've sewed by myself from start to finish! I learned a lot and am excited to finish the February bag (which I'm obviously not finishing in February). It's far from perfect, hence the reason there are only two not-so-great photos, but I'm still excited about. More importantly, I was happy to brighten my friends day!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Compulsive List Maker

Once I even made a list of things I've made lists about! The highlights include:

Ways NOT to die
Things I am Terrified Will Grow in My Fridge
Things that Make Me Gag in Horror Movies
Places NOT to Vomit
Plastic Surgeries I Will Consent To
Plastic Surgeries I Will NOT Consent To
Places to Visit
Places to Never Visit
Food I Just Flat Out can't Eat
Colors That Should Never Be on a Car
Bad Movies I Love
What I want to be When I Grow Up
Places I Will Not Be able to Pee

I also have a list of blogs to read on a regular basis. One of those blogs recently posted something on a project called 30 Days of Lists. I investigated and realized it was perfect for me!

It's a month long project for March where the end goal is to get yourself writing and journaling for just a few minutes every day. I don't think I need the practice as much as I need a valid reason to write the list "Things you never want to hear your hairstylist say". 

I'll be sure to keep y'all updated on my new lists!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Amy Butler Sew Along Updates!

Okay okay, so my first bag wasn't finished in January. What can I say? I've been busy?

But it did get finished last week (thanks to the long weekend) and I am so proud of it! However, I was too excited to give it to one of my best good friends and I didn't take decent pictures to show it off before I gave it away. Here is a sneak peek to hold y'all over!

She posted it on Facebook with the caption "I truly have the best friends!"
Then she called me a bad ass!

I am dedicated to busting out February's bag this month to catch up with everyone else! This month's bag was chosen by my dear friend Jonel. Feast your eyes on the BEAUTIFUL fabric she chose!!

Cut the patterns last night and will be cutting fabric tonight! I'm no sewing genius, but I am definitely getting the hang of it and guess what! I love it!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sale on Fabric

I might have gone a little overboard, but they were having a sale yesterday at Fancy Tiger. On my way out of my PJ pants class, I might have stocked up on my next few projects......

For baby blocks.
For curtains in my art studio.
For a throw pillow class next month. 

Obviously I have a problem, just not enough time to do it all! In a perfect world I would spend all weekend long just sewing, but life has a list of things for me to do too. Hopefully I'll get it all done it time!

How do you balance between the things you want to do and the things you have to do?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pajama Pants Party!

I like to learn in a group environment. I can teach myself a lot of things by reading a book or instructions, but it seems less stressful to have someone guiding me through it. This is where crafting classes at my favorite hipster craft store comes in.

I took a pajama pants class today with a good friend of mine at Fancy Tiger. It was a small class with only two other sewers, who were a hoot. It was three hours long and when I walked out I had a completed pair of PJ pants!

I bought my fabric a few days ahead of time with the intention of washing and drying the fabric first, which of course I did not do.

My pajama pants fabric. 

It's a pretty bold choice for me, but called to me from the shelf and said "I want to be with you when you sleep." It was a creepy conversation to have with fabric, but I'm not one to say no when it's being so direct. 

I pulled my sewing machine out a few days ago and have been working on last months Amy Butler Sew Along bag (I know, I'm running behind. What are you going to do about it?) but my experience level is still on the low side. But after this class and some helpful advice from the instructor, I think I am finally getting the hang of sewing in a straight line!

Leg hem. 

All in all it was an amazing few hours of crafting with good company. Now I'm all snuggled into my new pants and ready to craft the long weekend away!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Crafting Comedy!

Found this show sometime last week while ironing pieces of last months purse (which I swear will be done soon!). 

What kind of things should I put a bird on?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Is In The Hair....

Made this last week specifically to wear over my romantic vacation from the tutorial I found on Sew Weekly.  This was a big hit in all the shops and wineries we stopped in. 

Hope you have something fun to wear today... or tonight ;)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Color Me Pink

Pantone's Color of the year is Honeysuckle!

You have to admit that such a beautiful color can offer a little bit of hope for the future? I took the liberty to search around for a few crafts, decor and tools to show you what you might want to think about incorporating into your making this year. I know I am practically desperate to us it everywhere!!

Trinket box kit from Fred Aldous.

Bobby Pin from Little Pretties by Cara.

Honeysuckle vine fabric available on SpoonFlower.

Affectionate digital scrapbooking kit available on Jessica Sprague's site
Curtains from Safffon Marigold

Craft caddy from Girly Gadgets
Recipe box from Sugar Paper.

Bodum French Press Coffee Maker available on Amazon.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I am off for a V-Day vacation with manfriend! He surprised me earlier this week with a ticket to meet him in Cali to enjoy some sun and rest. Be jealous. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

More Felt Stat!!

My manfriend travels for work a lot. He's scheduled to be gone for about a month this time. So when he's away I like to treat myself to some of my favorite things. Last night it was Braveheart and making felt flowers. It was awesome!

My plan was to add them all to my Winter in Spring yarn wreath, but some of the small ones were just too friggin cute! This morning before I left the house, I plugged in my hot glue gun and made myself a little something extra for today.

Yup, I made myself a felt rose barrette! Someone stopped me on the way into the office this morning in compliment it. Then she asked if I was selling on! Made me feel like I am a professional quality crafter. Pretty cool, huh?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yarn Wreath

The Iron Craft Challenge this week was themed 'Winter'.

Awesome, like I haven't had enough of it already.

Actually, I'm a fan of winter. I like to cuddle and hibernate and soup.

Here in Denver we have this weird extra season, somewhere between spring and winter. We get lovely sunny days for weeks in a row where plants start to wake up, but then it snows 3 feet and everything hides again. Inspired that this time for us, I created a yarn wreath I call "Winter in Spring". While the process of covering a straw wreath in yarn is exhausting, I am tickled pink with the results!!

Isn't it awesome!!

I followed the lovely tutorial posted at Take Heart. She was right! The wrapping is mucho grande time consuming! I sat on the couch and watch "Confessions of an Animal Hoarder" last night finishing up. My kitty was sitting on the other end room intently waiting for my to finish with the yarn so that she might have it all to herself. The point of this story is that watching her go between needing the yarn and needing to know where the noises of 25 parrots was coming from was the best entertainment ever!! In my life!! 

Okay, maybe The Blue Man Group was better...

You can see all the entries for this challenge on the Iron Craft Flickr page. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

More Valentines!

I couldn't help myself over the weekend. While we watched some tv and hibernated during yet another Colorado snow storm, I made more embroidered Valentine's Day cards! I sent them out today, so be surprised if you get one!

The love birdies you saw from my previous valentines post , but here it is again! You can get the birds and 'Be Mine" pattern for free on PaPaver Studio Blog.

The little "Hottie Tea Pot" came from Jacque Davis's flickr stream

"Robot Love" is a pattern I pisked up from Urban Threads. (I think he is my pattern of the year, I love this little guy so so much!) 

And finally, "You've got my heart on a string" came from Sprik Space. (Big fan of this lady). 

I love them so much I think they are good enough to frame, but since they are cards and therefore meant to be used I had to do it inside my magic computer box!! Enjoy!

Why I Craft

craft noun, plural crafts, verb
an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, especially manual skill

Crafting is not just for middle aged women in bad sweaters anymore. It's not just friendship bracelets or popsicle stick birdhouses either. In our highly technological world people everywhere are finding joy in making things with their own two hands. Crafting is becoming more than a hobby, it's becoming a way of life. It's a garden, a painting, a wall, a blanket, a pair of shoes, a building, a fence, a dress. It's anything you want it to be, the possibilities are endless.

The pride in this small act of creation can be something amazing. The knowledge that you made this thing can be overwhelming. To my boyfriend, he just sees a shelf or a pillow or a birthday card, but in my eyes these are the simplest form of pure creation. Taking a pile of unrelated objects and forming them into something that previously only existed in my mind's eye makes me proud and powerful. By this act of crafting I am reenforcing my confidence in any small act in the rest of my life.

I am constantly looking for outside reinforcement of this pride as well. I want to show these things I made to anyone who will look at them. Then that light in their eyes or smile on their face when they are proud of my acts too, brings me more joy than any other recognition I get. The thank you for cleaning the kitchen is never as meaningful as the job well done for my first embroidery project.

By needing to share these things, I am creating a community for myself. I am seeking out other crafters and makers to share and learn from each other. I am learning new skills and being inspired by others, therefore increasing my knowledge set and desire to create.

By needing to create for myself, I am seeking others out and increasing my social network. This real life social network is something I think a large portion of my generation suffers from a lack of. We were the first raised on chat rooms and online forums. While these connections are sometimes no less important to us than the ones we make without our computers, we are missing something in not having that physical connection. The act of physically seeking others out adds a meaningful part to my life I would have not had otherwise.

There are psychological benefits to that quiet time you spend on the details of something. Some small tiny task your hands can do with little interference from your brain. When your hands are busy, you begin to let your mind wander. In that wandering you can find yourself dealing with long lost loves, past hurts, estrangements, regrets, love, joy, excitement in a way that lets you cope. By creating something physical, you can create something emotional inside you. These things you create with your hands might physically be something useful or mundane, but they are also a piece of you. A piece of your journey in finding yourself.

These things we are creating then become special and meaningful, more so than anything mass produced. Because these items are handmade, they are not perfect. As their makers, we know where every imperfection lies and we embrace them for it. These are items we are more apt to care for and repair as opposed to the mass produced items we throw away once they are scratched or old. By cherishing these items, we are surrounding ourselves with meaning and reducing waste. How can any of this be a bad thing?

I like to know what things were made of, what ingredients are in my soup and where things originated from. I know that the gifts I give are made of simple, wholesome products that probably won't do any harm to their recipients. While I hope that these gifts mean as much to their recipients and they do to me, it doesn't matter if they don't. My fulfillment is enough.

I am happiest when these things all come together. When I am creative and proud. When I feel better about myself. When I find others to reinforce that creativity. When I am surrounded by meaning.

I am only really happy when I am making something.

Letterpressed manifesto card!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Embroidered Valentines!

My very first embroidered cards!

Iron Craft Change #5 was to make a Valentine for someone special in your life. It's been years since I've either made or given Valentines to anyone, so I was pretty thrilled with the idea of giving it another go. I have a lot of people in my life to be thankful for, and what better way than giving them an embroidered card to tell them? Well.... I'm sure there is a better way but I know I don't have the cash flow for something like that. 

Would you like to know how to make some yourself? Of course you would. 

Folding Cards and Envelopes. 
Paper Piercer
Embroidery Pattern or Other Design
Phonebook (or equivalent thickness of scrap paper)
Embroidery Needle 
Embroidery Thread

I used a brad setter and piercing tool from We R Memory Keepers that I had in my crafting toolbox and bought a value pack of blank cards and envelopes at Michaels

Tools you need first, cards and a paper piercer. 

I used some embroidery patterns I found for free on PaPaver Studio Blog. I just love it when people give away free things!

Go to PaPaver Studio Blog for this free design template!

I suggest keeping to simple designs for cards, sticking to basic outline designs. 

The next step is to use photoshop to crop out the portion of the design and resize it to fit the card front you are using. On the off chance this is a little advanced for you on your own, I found this great tutorial on Resizing and Converting from Photoshop Essentials that should be able to walk you through it. 

So I cropped out everything but those two sweet little birdies and resized the to be just smaller than the widest part of my card. (The card is 5.5 inches wide, so I resized it to be 5 inches wide.) 

Then print out the image and cute out the design to get ride of all that extra blank paper, it will just get in the way. Make sure the design fits, I had to make adjustments in the size once or twice to get it to perfect. 

With the card unfolded, secure the design temporarily onto the card front (I used a paperclip, but some tape or a small binder clip would work just as well). You are going to use the paper piercer to pre-poke all the holes for the embroidering, so take a moment to think about the stitches you will use. I only backstitched because it's what I'm best at. 

Once you have your mind wrapped around it, put the phone book underneath your card and design and pre-poke the crap out of your card!

Not my favorite part. 
Held up to the light afterwards, the poked card reminds me of a lampshade my grandparents used to have...

After your hand stop cramping, use the holes as guides for your needle! Like I said, I only backstitched, you can find a video tutorial on this stitch here.

I like to embroider while watching TV.
TA-DA - that's about it. Once there is thread through all your holes, your done! I made sure to keep my design handy to decipher the code and figure out which hole I was threading through first. 

These are time intense! I estimate about an hour of each of these. But I think the effort shows and I am excited to give these beauts to my valentines!

I've seen people tape down the threading on the backs of the cards, some even go so far as to put coordinating card stock over it to keep it pretty. Maybe I'm lazy, but I left it as is. 

And just for fun, here is a shot with my bi-polar kitty, Grace Kelly, needing to be the center of attention while I was snapping some shots of these cards!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside!

With a high temperature estimated in Denver today of -1 (!!!!), I am dreaming of warmer things.

Iron Craft issues 1 craft challenge a week for a whole year! Last week's challenge was Cup Cozies. I am not drinking anything this week unless it's at a boiling temperature. To ease cabin fever, manfriend is trying to convince me that boiled wine is a delicacy in some parts of the world. Much to his dismay, I do not believe him.

Boob Scarf!
I went to work today thanks to my dear friend and neighbor, who let me catch a ride. When I left the house, I had on a fleece jacket, a coat, a hat, some gloves and a scarf over my long sleeve shirt, under which I was smuggling a hot water bottle. I have a large collection of scarves, but none as amusing as these babies from boobsRus on Etsy. They actually look like they might help keep mine warmer....

A Christmas Story snowsuit!
This is what I felt like this morning, and I only had to walk from the door to the car! I'm glad I don't have to walk to school on days like this, uphill both ways! You have to admit though, he looks warm.

Door Snakes!

I live in a drafty old house, which means she has charm and character. This, however, does bubkiss on days like today. Our poor heater is running at full steam and it's still cold in here! I only have one official door snake, the rest of the doors and windows are currently covered in blankets and sheets to keep the cold out. I'm putting "Make my own door snake" on my craft list tonight, having been inspired by Kat of Kat Crafts (lovely tutorial here.).

Sugar Skull Slippers!

Make your own thanks to a lovely tutorial on Craftster

Make a quilt is on my list of '30 before 30'. I am kicking myself for not making one before now! This little baby is a beautiful example posted by Oh, Fransson! I just love the colors and fabric choices here. They warm my heart!

Mostly, I am spending these cold bitter days crafting under my slanket with a heating pad and hot water bottle and a glass of boiled wine. How are you keeping warm?