Sunday, October 23, 2011

Making is in the Family.....

I think I have the most appropriate genetics for being a maker. My Dad is a pilot, an engineer. His family is Air Force all the way. My Mom is the one who inspired me to sew and always encouraged me to craft something. Her family is currently in it's third generation of owning a flower shop in Texas. Mix those two together and you get a fairly tech-savy maker! It's pretty cool. 

The family flower shop was a place I spent a lot of my childhood getting familiar with construction, aesthetics, layers, glue guns; not to mention all the entrepreneurial spirit I picked up there. Sometimes I just walk into another flower shop to let that wonderful smell wash over me and take me back there. It's actually pretty ironic, since I can't seem to grow anything to save my life, but I can arrange it like no one's business! When I was a kid I won a "Junior Arranger" contest!

So that side of my family, my Aunts and Grandmother, continue to inspire me to new places. Case in point, this drop dead gorgeous wedding that my Aunt designed the flower arrangements for that is currently being featured on the Style Me Pretty Texas Blog.

Thanks to the talented photographer from Alyse French Photography!

Go here to see the full gallery from the loverly post. And of course visit The Knapp Flower Shop if you're in the Galveston area and need something beautiful! (Make sure you tell my Aunt Nelda that I say "Hi!" and how very very talented she is!)